sobota, 7 września 2013


Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mont Saint Bruno

Since today, 07th Sepmeber 2013, Archbishop of Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mont Saint Bruno, Cardinal Raphael Zimer, announces opening the clergy recrutiment.

Beloved in Jesus Christ brothers and sisters.

Since today, 7th September 2013, we are opening recruitment for clergy group. Doors for candidates for future SL priests are open. We provide the opportunity for the development of spiritual life in the active group, guided by the Word of God and living by His rules. Love to serve for God, even in the virtual dimension, is so beautiful. If you feel that it is your way to virtual life - start to live!

Cardinal Raphael Zimer
Archbishop of Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mont Saint Bruno

Potential candidates for the future priests in the Archdiocese are asked to contact in-world with C. Raphael Zimer. We will answer any question, we will lead in way and give more information in-world.

Pax et bonum!

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