środa, 16 października 2013

Blessed John Paul II

16th October 2013
Feast of St. Hedwig


Pope John Paul II (Latin: Ioannes Paulus II), sometimes called Blessed John Paul or John Paul the Great, born Karol Józef Wojtyła, 18 May 1920 – 2 April 2005), was the head of the Catholic Church from 16 October 1978 to his death in 2005. He was the second longest-serving pope in history and the first non-Italian since Pope Adrian VI, who died in 1523.
John Paul II is considered one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century. He is recognised as helping to end Communist rule in his native Poland and eventually all of Europe. John Paul II significantly improved the Catholic Church's relations with Judaism, Islam, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Anglican Communion. Controversially, he upheld the Church's teachings against artificial contraception and the ordination of women, he supported the Church's Second Vatican Council and its reform, and he held firm orthodox Catholic stances. He is known for his implementation of several papal documents pertaining to the role of the Church in the modern world.
He was one of the most travelled world leaders in history, visiting 129 countries during his pontificate. As part of his special emphasis on the universal call to holiness, he beatified 1,340 people and canonised 483 saints, more than the combined tally of his predecessors during the preceding five centuries. He named most of the present College of Cardinals, consecrated or co-consecrated a large number of the world's past and current bishops, and ordained many priests. A key goal of his papacy was to transform and reposition the Catholic Church. His wish was "to place his Church at the heart of a new religious alliance that would bring together Jews, Muslims and Christians in a great [religious] armada". On 19 December 2009, John Paul II was proclaimed venerable by his successor Pope Benedict XVI and was beatified on 1 May 2011 after the Congregation for the Causes of Saints attributed one miracle to him, the healing of a French nun from Parkinson's disease. A second miracle, attributed to the late pope, was approved on 2 July 2013 and confirmed by Pope Francis two days later. John Paul II will be canonised on 27 April 2014. John Paul II himself made Jorge Mario Bergoglio - the future Pope Francis - archbishop of Buenos Aires and then a cardinal in 2001.

Cardinal Karol Wojtyła with Pope John Paul I
(4th September 1978)

Beatification celebration of John Paul II
celebrated by Benedict XVI

Special service in intention of 35th Anniversary of Bl. John Paul II election will be held today at 12:30 PM SLT in Saint Francis Church (Lionheart Kiara)

God bless You!
Pax et bonum!

poniedziałek, 30 września 2013

The Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel

29th September 2013

The Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel

Screenshoots from the Solemn High Mass in dedication of St. Michael the Archangel
in Metropolitan Cathedral in Mont Saint Bruno.

Celebrant: Archbishop of MSB, Cardinal Raphael Zimer
Deacon: Father Maximilian Meiler
Sub-Deacon: Cardinal-Primate of Marigot, Cardinal Guillaume Allen
Special attendant: Archbishop of Woraksan, Cardinal Stephen Byers

niedziela, 29 września 2013

Vicar General

29th September 2013


With God's grace in the decision on day 29th September Lord year 2013

Father Maximilian Meiler

has been called for Vicar General of Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mont Saint Bruno.
May God light his way and send him the power for conscientiously perform his duties.

piątek, 27 września 2013

II Clergy Recruitment

28th September 2013


Dear in Jesus Christ good people! God with You!

We are opening Second Clergy Recruitment to Metropolitan Achdiocese of Mont Saint Bruno. 
We allow two ways of priesthood service:

- Diocese Priest
- Franciscan Friar

Each candidate is required to pass spiritual formation, which consists of different stages. The stages are different for diocese priest and for franciscan friar. 

Recruitment is due to the opening of the Archdiocesan Synod on day 29th September 2013.
Potential candidates for the future priests or friars in the Archdiocese are asked to contact in-world with His Eminence Cardinal Raphael Zimer or His Excellency Bishop Lareh Portal.

Pax et bonum!

czwartek, 26 września 2013

Morning prayers

26th September 2013

Morning Prayers

Morning prayers are celebrated every day at 05:30 AM SLT in Saint Francis Church (Saint Longinus nave -right side of main altar) by Friar Casey. Beloved in Jesus Christ faithful are most welcome.

środa, 25 września 2013

Official website

26th September 2013

Opening of Official Archdiocese website


You are all most welcome to our official website. Please look around, check the possibility to send prayer request, check news and calendar. Pax et bonum.

wtorek, 24 września 2013

Archdiocesan Synod

24th September 2013
Episcopal announcement about
Archdiocesan Synod

St. Francis Church new interior

24th September 2013
New Saint Francis Church interior


By your donations we were able to restore the St. Francis Church interior. We have put new main altarpiece, mesh fences, right and back chapels and all the Holy Images in the temple.
The all cost of new interior was L$4,500.
Thank you so much, God bless You.

niedziela, 22 września 2013

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost

22nd September 2013
St. Thomas of Villanueva
Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Augustinian bishop. Born at Fuentellana, Castile, Spain, he was the son of a miller. He studied at the University of Alcala, earned a licentiate in theology, and became a professor there at the age of twenty-six. He declined the chair of philosophy at the university of Salamanca and instead entered the Order of St Augustine at Salamanca in 1516. Ordained in 1520, he served as prior of several houses in Salamanca, Burgos, and Valladolid, as provincial ofAndal usia and Castile, and then court chaplain to Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (r. 1519-1556). During his time as provincial of Castile, he dispatched the first Augustinian missionaries to the New World. They subsequently helped evangelize the area of modern Mexico. He was offered but declined the see of Granada, but accepted appointment as archbishop of Valencia in 1544. As the see had been vacant for nearly a century, Thomas devoted much effort to restoring the spiritual and material life of the archdiocese. He was also deeply committed to the needs of the poor. He held the post of grand almoner of the poor, founded colleges for the children of new converts and the poor, organized priests for service among the Moors, and was renowned for his personal saintliness and austerities. While he did not attend the sessions of the Council of Trent, he was an ardent promoter of the Tridentine reforms throughout Spain.

The Service will be held in Saint Francis Church at 02:00 PM SLT

poniedziałek, 16 września 2013

Saint Cornelius, Pope and Martyr

16th September 2013
Feast of Saint Cornelius
Pope and Martyr

Pope Cornelius (died June 253) was the head of the Catholic Church from 6 or 13 March 251 to his martyrdom in 253.

Emperor Decius, who ruled from 249 to 251 AD, persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire rather sporadically and locally, but starting January in the year 250, he ordered all citizens to perform a religious sacrifice in the presence of commissioners, or else face death. Many Christians refused and were martyred (possibly including the pope, St Fabian, on 20 January), while others partook in the sacrifices in order to save their own lives. Two schools of thought arose after the persecution. One side, led by Novatian, who was a priest in the diocese of Rome, believed that those who had stopped practicing Christianity during the persecution could not be accepted back into the church even if they repented. Under this philosophy, the only way to re-enter the church would be re-baptism. The opposing side, including Cornelius and Cyprian the Bishop of Carthage, did not believe in the need for re-baptism. Instead they thought that the sinners should only need to show contrition and true repentance to be welcomed back into the church. In hopes that Christianity would fade away, Decius prevented the election of a new pope. However, soon afterwards Decius was forced to leave the area to fight the invading Goths and while he was away the elections for pope were held. In the 14 months without a pope, the leading candidate, Moses, had died under the persecution. Novatian believed that he would be elected, however Cornelius was unwillingly elected the twenty-first pope in March 251.

Novatian was very angry not only that he was not elected pope, but that someone who did not believe in rebaptism was. He thus proclaimed himself the antipope to Cornelius, driving a schism through the church. After Cornelius’s appointment to the papacy, Novatian became more rigorous in his philosophy, convinced that bishops could not pardon the worst of sins, and that such sins could only be reconciled at the Last Judgment. Cornelius had the support of St. Cyprian, St. Dionysius, and most African and Eastern bishops while Novatian had the support of a minority of clergy and laymen in Rome who did not acknowledge Cornelius as pope. Cornelius’s next action was to convene a synod of 60 bishops to restate himself as the rightful pope and the council excommunicated Novatian as well as all Novatianists. Also addressed in the synod was that Christians who stopped practising during Emperor Decius’s persecution could receive communion only after doing penance.

The verdict of the synod was sent to the Christian bishops, most notably the bishop of Antioch, a fierce Novatian supporter in order to convince him to accept Cornelius’s power. The letters that Cornelius sent to surrounding bishops provide knowledge of the size of the church during the period. Cornelius mentions that at the time, the Roman Church had, “forty six priests, seven deacons, seven sub-deacons, forty two acolytes, fifty two ostiarii, and over one thousand five hundred widows and persons in distress.” His letters also inform that Cornelius had a staff of over 150 clergy members and the church fed over 1,500 people daily. From these numbers, it has been estimated that that there were at least 50,000 Christians in Rome during the papacy of Pope Cornelius.

God our Father,
in Saints Cornelius and Cyprian
you have given your people an inspiring example
of dedication to the pastoral ministry
and constant witness to Christ in their suffering.
May their prayers and faith give us courage
to work for the unity of your Church.

The Service in dedication of feast of St. Cornelius will be held at 01:30 PM SLT
in Saint Francis Church (Parish of St. Francis of Assisi)

Pax et bonum!

środa, 11 września 2013

The Feast of Most Holy Name of Mary

12nd September 2013
The Feast of Most Holy Name of Mary

The Feast of the Holy Name of Mary, or simply the Holy Name of Mary, is a feast day in the Roman Catholic Church celebrated on 12 September to honour the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It has been a universal Roman Rite feast since 1684, when Pope Innocent XI included it in the General Roman Calendar to commemorate the victory at the Battle of Vienna in 1683.

In Hebrew, the name Mary is Miryam. In Our Lady's time, Aramaic was the spoken language, and the form of the name then in use was Mariam. In the book, The Wondrous Childhood of the Most Holy Mother of God, St. John Eudes offers meditations on seventeen interpretations of the name "Mary," taken from the writings of "the Holy Fathers and by some celebrated Doctors".The name of Mary is venerated because it belongs to the Mother of God. Meanings ascribed to Mary's name by the early Christian writers and perpetuated by the Greek Fathers include: "Bitter Sea," "Myrrh of the Sea," "The Light Giver," "The Enlightened One," "The Light Giver," and especially "Star of the Sea." Stella Maris was by far the favored interpretation. These etymologies suppose that the Hebrew form of the name is Maryãm, not Miryãm. The Hebrew name of Mary, Miryãm, (in Latin Domina) means lady or sovereign.

Excerpts from the Breviary for the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary (Sept. 12)

It is said: And the Virgin's name was Mary. Let us speak a few words upon this name, which signifieth, being interpreted, Star of the Sea, and suiteth very well the Maiden Mother, who may very meetly be likened unto a star. A star giveth forth her rays without any harm to herself, and the Virgin brought forth her Son without any hurt to her virginity. The light of a star taketh nothing away from the Virginity of Mary. She is that noble star which was to come out of Jacob, whose brightness still sheddeth lustre upon all the earth, whose rays are most brilliant in heaven, and shine even unto hell, lighting up earth midway, and warming souls rather than bodies, fostering good and scaring away evil. She, I say, is a clear and shining star, twinkling with excellencies, and resplendent with example, needfully set to look down upon the surface of this great and wide sea.

O thou, whosoever thou art, that knowest thyself to be here not so much walking upon firm ground, as battered to and fro by the gales and storms of this life's ocean, if thou wouldest not be overwhelmed by the tempest, keep thine eyes fixed upon this star's clear shining. If the hurricanes of temptation rise against thee, or thou art running upon the rocks of trouble, look to the star, call on Mary. If the waves of pride, or ambition, or slander, or envy toss thee, look to the star, call on Mary. If the billows of anger or avarice, or the enticements of the flesh beat against thy soul's bark, look to Mary. If the enormity of thy sins trouble thee, if the foulness of thy conscience confound thee, if the dread of judgement appal thee, if thou begin to slip into the deep of despondency, into the pit of despair, think of Mary.

In danger, in difficulty, or in doubt, think on Mary, call on Mary. Let her not be away from thy mouth or from thine heart, and that thou mayest not lack the succour of her prayers, turn not aside from the example of her conversation. If thou follow her, thou wilt never go astray. If thou pray to her, thou wilt never have need to despair. If thou keep her in mind, thou wilt never fall. If she lead thee, thou wilt never be weary. If she help thee, thou wilt reach home safe at the last - and so thou wilt prove in thyself how meetly it is said: And the Virgin's name was Mary.

The Service in the name of Feast of Most Holy Name of Mary will be held in St. Francis Church at 01:30 PM SLT.

+ God bless you. +

poniedziałek, 9 września 2013

Episcopal Announcement no. 20130909/3


The eighth day of September in the Lord year 2013 announce officially welcome

Maximilian Meiler

 to the ranks of the clergy in Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mont Saint Bruno.
Father Maximilian begins the ministry in Archdiocese of MSB at the time of 23:59 PM SLT in the same day.
Father was ordained a priest in the past, thus assigning him the role of presbyter throughout the Archdiocese.
In the name of the Lord the decision shall be valid at the time of publication.

Cardinal Raphael Zimer
Archbishop of Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mont Saint Bruno

St. Gorgonius, Martyr

09th September 2013
Memorial of Saint Gorgonius, Martyr

Saint Gorgonius of Nicomedia was a Christian martyr, part of the group Gorgonius, Peter Cubicularius and Dorotheus, who died in 304 AD at Nicomedia during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian.
According to Lactantius and Eusebius, Gorgonius held a high position in the household of the emperor. When the persecution began he was consequently among the first to be charged, and with his companions, Peter, Dorotheus and several others, was subjected to the most frightful torments and finally strangled.
According to one version of the legend, Diocletian, wishing to expose Christians in his household, ordered everyone to pay honor to the Roman gods; if they refused, they would be exposed as Christians. The first to be exposed was Diocletian's butler, Peter, surnamed Cubicularius ("valet, chamberlain"), who was strung up, his flesh torn from his bones. Two Christians, Dorotheus, an imperial chamberlain, and Gorgonius, an army officer, protested this treatment, and were also martyred, together with another official, named Migdonius. In the meantime, Peter was boiled or burned alive, or “roasted on a gridiron.”
Diocletian, determined that their bodies should not receive the honors which the early Christians gave the relics of the martyrs, ordered them to be thrown into the sea. The Christians nevertheless obtained possession of them and later the body of Gorgonius was carried to Rome.

Collect for the Saint Gorgonius

We beseech thee, O Lord: 
that thy blessed Martyr Gorgonius 
may at all times gladden us with his intercession; 
and cause us ever to rejoice 
in the devout observance of his festival. 

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who being God, 
lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 
for ever and ever.

niedziela, 8 września 2013

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

08th September 2013

Second Class

        The birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary announced joy and the near approach of salvation to the lost world. Mary was brought forth in the world not like other children of Adam, infected with the loathsome contagion of sin, but pure, holy, beautiful, and glorious, adorned with all the most precious graces which became her who was chosen to be the Mother of God. She appeared indeed in the weak state of our mortality; but in the eyes of Heaven she already transcended the highest seraph in purity, brightness, and the richest ornaments of grace.

        If we celebrate the birthdays of the great ones of this earth, how ought we to rejoice in that of the Virgin Mary, presenting to God the best homage of our praises and thanksgiving for the great mercies He has shown in her, and imploring her mediation with her Son in our behalf! Christ will not reject the supplications of his mother, whom He was pleased to obey whilst on earth. Her love, care, and tenderness for Him, the title and qualities which she bears, the charity and graces with which she is adorned, and the crown of glory with which she is honored, must incline Him readily to receive her recommendations and petitions.

Services will be celebrated in the following order:

01:00 PM SLT - Cathedral of Mont Saint Bruno - SOLEMN HIGH MASS
02:20 PM SLT - Saint Francis Church, Parish of St. Francis of Assisi - LOW MASS
The services will be held by His Eminence Cardinal Raphael Zimer

+ Pax et bonum +

sobota, 7 września 2013


Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mont Saint Bruno

Since today, 07th Sepmeber 2013, Archbishop of Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mont Saint Bruno, Cardinal Raphael Zimer, announces opening the clergy recrutiment.

Beloved in Jesus Christ brothers and sisters.

Since today, 7th September 2013, we are opening recruitment for clergy group. Doors for candidates for future SL priests are open. We provide the opportunity for the development of spiritual life in the active group, guided by the Word of God and living by His rules. Love to serve for God, even in the virtual dimension, is so beautiful. If you feel that it is your way to virtual life - start to live!

Cardinal Raphael Zimer
Archbishop of Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mont Saint Bruno

Potential candidates for the future priests in the Archdiocese are asked to contact in-world with C. Raphael Zimer. We will answer any question, we will lead in way and give more information in-world.

Pax et bonum!

St. Hadrian, Martyr

07th September 2013
Memorial of St. Hadrian, Martyr

God of the gaps:
you are the bringer of genuine hope to our lives and the life of the world.
Help us today and tomorrow to live out and share that hope with confidence.

God beyond the gaps:
you are with us and alongside us in the good and bad experiences of life.
Help us today and tomorrow to encourage celebration
and to stand alongside those in need.

God around the gaps:

you embrace us with your free gifts of forgiveness, love and compassion.
Help us today and tomorrow to own these gifts for ourselves
and offer them to those around us.

God of all time and space:

may I sense your peace and blessing
and be a channel for these priceless gifts to those around me. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

wtorek, 3 września 2013

Supplication to the SL clergy

St. Pius X, Pope and Confessor

03rd September 2013
Memorial of St. Pius X, Pope and Confessor

Prayer to Saint Pius X

Glorious Pope of the Eucharist, Saint Pius X, you sought "to resore all things in Christ." Obtain for me a true love of Jesus so that I may live only for Him. Help me to acquire a lively fervor and a sincere will to strive for sanctity of life, and that I may avail myself of the riches of the Holy Eucharist in sacrifice and sacrament. By your love for Mary, mother and queen of all, inflame my heart with tender devotion to her. 

Blessed model of the priesthood, obtain for us holy, dedicated priests, and increase vocations to the religious life. Dispel confusion and hatred and anxiety, and incline our hearts to peace and concord. so that all nations will place themselves under the sweet reign of Christ. Amen. 

Saint Pius X, pray for me.